IHS Solo

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Solo is the budget friendly solution for air conduction ABR

Over 37 years of engineering design experience, combined with unsurpassed expertise in evoked responses, have culminated in the next generation bio-amplifier to bring you superior data quality for evoked potentials and otoacoustic emissions.

USB powered screening and diagnostic ABR and ASSR system

Cleaner, high definition, robust responses with increased signal to noise ratios

Low residual noise for reduced test times without compromising data quality

Ultra-lightweight, at less than 2 lbs, and can be used with a PC or Windows tablet

Unsurpassed portability with built-in isolation and shielding

Ready for the Clinic

The Solo was designed with newborn hearing screening in mind. It is also a great tool for recording air conduction ABRs and ASSRS in clinics wanting a cost effective 1-channel solution. Solo is PC- battery operated, allowing for testing even when there is no access to an outlet and reducing electrical interference.


  • Automated ABR screening

Smart EP

  • Click ABR
  • Toneburst ABR
  • Narrowband and broadband chirp ABR


  • Click and Broadband chirp ASSR
  • Single or multi-frequency tone or chirp ASSR

Automated ABR

SmartScreener-Plus 2 is a user-friendly automated ABR hearing screener. It is a fast, reliable, and accurate system that can be used to test patients of all ages.

Auditory Evoked Potentials

SmartEPis a feature-rich auditory evoked potential system with a user-friendly interface. Its innovative and streamlined features make SmartEP the ideal clinical tool for recording ABR.


SmartEP-ASSR is a full-featured screening and diagnostic auditory steady state response system that provides quick and accurate threshold detection.

Ergonomic ScreenerCart

The Solo can be installed in the highly ergonomic ScreenerCart, designed to be baby-friendly and is ideal for testing at the mother’s bedside.

The ScreenerCart features:

  • Convenient height adjustment
  • Ample work surface with raised edges and document cover
  • Contoured front and rear handles for easy maneuverability
  • Built-in bins to store all supplies and documentation
  • Easy-to-disinfect washable keyboard
  • Integrated keyboard and mouse surface with a keyboard light; work without waking up the baby
  • Smooth, non-porous surfaces for easy cleaning, infection control, and durability
  • Notebook PC & system secured in a key-locked compartment
  • Coiled power cord for easy cable management
  • Convenient wheel-locking mechanism
  • Built-in isolation transformer